バーチャル 折紙 

この草稿は2022年12月6日に行われた”WolframバーチャルコンファレンスJapan 2022″での講演の為に準備されたものです.スライドの開設としてお読みください

筑波大学名誉教授の井田哲雄です.今日はVirtual Origamiというタイトルで発表します.
10分間という短い時間ですので,私たちの開発しているE origami system 略してEos,の機能のいくつかを紹介します.

今回,Virtual origamiという用語を用いました.折紙をシミュレートするのではなく,数学のベースをもつ折紙のモデルを考え,その上で,新たな機能を実現するという私たちのアプローチをこの言葉に込めました.

Email communication between users and this site

Dear Friends,

This site uses Google’s Gmail functionality for outgoing emails from WordPress to your email account. Google has some metrics to determine the emails that their SMTP allows. We recommend that you use the email address domain of a popular mail server, such as gmail.com and yahoo.com, or the one your organization provides to you. The connectivity between our WordPress site and smtp.gmail.com employs the Oauth2 protocol. This change has been made from March 13, 2022

Best Regards,


SMTP connection has been renewed

The mailer (outgoing emails) has been replaced by a new plugin.  It connects via TLS to smtp.gmail.com which sends the i-eos mails.  The new connection is believed to be more secure and reliable.

Message in the Message Window of Mathematica 13.0.0

When we start Mathematica 13.0.0 (Japenese Edition) , we get the following message.

The message does not seem to affect Eos functionality, but we are not sure about the overall functionality of Mathematica?

We wonder the same thing will happen in the English version.


Value of option Path -> {/Users/ida/Library/Mathematica/DocumentationIndice
s, <<3>>, {/Applications/Mathematica 3.app/Contents/SystemFiles/Links,
<<16>>, /Applications/Mathematica 3.app/<<32>>mplified/System/}} should
be a string or a list of strings.

Non-negative machine-sized integer expected at position 1 in
FromCharacterCode[$Failed, UTF8].

3.app/Contents/Documentation/English/PacletInfo.wl is not a properly
formatted PacletInfo.wl or PacletInfo.m file.

is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so
cannot be used for replacing.

is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid dispatch table, and so
cannot be used for replacing.

{SystemID, ProductID} is neither a list of replacement rules nor a valid
dispatch table, and so cannot be used for replacing.

General::stop: Further output of ReplaceAll::reps
will be suppressed during this calculation.